Brief 1 : Poster
Client: Ironclad Pan Company
Prop: The only non-stick pan that lasts forever

Brief 2 : Print Campaign
Client: Removery
Prop: Nothing needs to be permanent

Brief 3 : TVC
Client: AncestryDNA
Prop: Find the real you

Brief 4 : Radio
Client: RSPCA
Prop: Keep your housecat indoors

Brief 5 : Social
Client: LIFX Lightbulbs
Prop: Control your mood

Brief 6 : PR 
Client: Flavedo & Albedo
Prop: Cosmetics shouldn't come packaged in single-use plastics. 

Brief 7 : Digital
Client: Bumble
Prop: The dating app that empowers women

Brief 8 : Direct
Client: Tesla
Prop: Make up your mind about whether an EV is right for you

Brief 9 : Integrated
Client: Exceptional Alien
Prop: Curators of culture are now your travel guides

Brief 10 : Commercial Creativity
Springboard : Keep Aussie Music Festivals Alive

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